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Our qualified teachers and staff (preschool and daycare) meet and exceed all of the qualifications required by the State of Michigan Department of Human Services, Bureau of Family Services. Appointments may be made with your child's teacher to discuss your child's progress. If you have questions about the program or the center in any way, or about your child, don't hesitate to contact the Director or your child's teachers.

Click the links to find out more about our fabulous team!

Lisa Mowl: Director
Emily Hall: Assistant Director
Megan Kovach: Visual Communication & Marketing
Sam O'Brien: Kitchen Manager
Candie Flatter: Daycare
Alyssa Walter: Toddler
Alyssa Folkes: 2-Day & 3-Day Preschool

Johnna McBroom: Daycare
Lizzie Scott: Pre-K Preschool

Cryselin Selleck: Daycare
Olivia Bierwirth: 2-Day & 3-Day Preschool
Maggie Conklin: Toddler
Natalie Summerland: School Age (AM Only)


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